31 October 2013

How to Save Files from Scribd without login or download

Download Files (Without Download Option) from Scribd:

Scribd is often referred to as the YouTube for documents. But unlike YouTube, Scribd does usually offer a direct option for users to download files.
But in case you aren’t registered with Scribd or the uploader has disabled the download options you might not be able to download the file for offline purposes.
So what do you do? Google. I did but that didn’t help. Thought for a while and then Eureka!
You will only need to install and extra bit of software – a PDF creator. There are quite a number of free PDF creators available online that do a decent job. PDFCreator (Open Source) and PrimoPDF
Once you have downloaded and installed a PDF creator, click on the dropdown arrow besides the iPaper text on the Flash Player, and click on the Print option. On the Print dialog box choose the PDF creator software instead of your default printer (in case you have one). Then click the Print button and your file in a PDF form will be ready in a while.

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