02 November 2013

All you need to know about SMPS In Computers



Switch Mode Power Supply or SMPS is the heart of the computer. It is the power unit or say power house of the computer. And adding to it, no computer can work without its heart i.e, SMPS. It is the most fundamental piece attached to motherboard for power supply.

The SMPS has 3 main roles:

  • Convert A.C voltage taken from mains  into D.C voltage and circulate requires power to all devices.

  • Monitor the output D.C voltage.

  • Sink the heat from the consumption of electrical power.
The first role is to accept energy from mains electricity supply via power connected to power receptible cord and convert it to dc from  raw ac energy at several different voltages and store some energy so that it can bridge over small intervals in which the electrical input stops. 

SMPS must store some enough power to  bridge across those mini brownouts.

The SMPS has to  monitor the quality of dc voltage and after output dc voltage are stabilized at their least value i.e, 5% which are suitable for different motherboard components; it tells the motherboard that the output voltage is within the range by raising the voltage on one of the wires going into the motherboard. 

This wire is called Power-Good Line and rising of Power-Good Line's voltage signals the CPU to start computing. This signal is called Power-Good Signal. 

In case the Power-Good Signal goes down then the CPU will shut down.::


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