11 August 2016

Typical Job Interview Question: Why are manhole covers round?

Manhole Cover

A manhole cover is a removable plate forming the lid to cover the opening of a manhole, to prevent anyone or anything from falling in, and to keep out unauthorized persons and material or whatever be the intended reason.
Manhole covers are being made and used since the era of ancient Rome, which had sewer grates made from stone.
Used in all over the world and easy to spot. Generally made of metal, but could be concrete die-casted or cement.

Well, if you do not know what a manhole cover is, then here are the pictures for the illustration. 

1. Image Source: Google Images

2. Image Source: Google Images
" Why are manhole covers round? "

Well, the question became a popular interview question when Microsoft and sometimes even Google, started assessing there interviewer candidate for creative problem-solving approach with more than one possible answer, and test their logic, common sense and ability to think through an unusual question.

Well the question definitely have more than one explanation and these vary from being logical to being complete non-sense. It might be old at this point of time but you never what your HR person can ask randomly out of nowhere. 

  • A round manhole cover cannot fall and dropped through its circular opening, whereas a square manhole cover could fall in if it were inserted diagonally in the hole
  • Circular covers do not need to be rotated or accurately aligned when positioning them on the opening
  • A round manhole cover can be easily moved and rolled
  • Human beings have a roughly circular cross-section
  • It is easier to dig a circular hole
  • Round castings are much easier to manufacture using a lathe
  • Because the manhole is round, naturally the manhole cover would be round?
  • Cause when you speak of the word HOLE, what comes to people's minds is a CIRCLE shape. YEAH...LOL ;)
  • Because the inventor didn't over-think the problem and the plans were laid out as such in those times
Well each and every explanation has a meaning and a topic of hot debate whether you include science or not. There maybe more possible explanation other than these and more may pop up on the internet. 

But still it's good to know and god knows it helps you somewhere in any interview or any situation, you can be the smart guy in the room.

The post will be edited and more reasonable explanation will be added as I encounter them. Its a job hunting time for me so, expect more of these posts through out. 


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