16 October 2013

Square Cash lets you send cash through email

Square Cash lets you send cash through email

You may have heard of the mobile payment company Square. Co-founded by the co-founder of Twitter – Jack Dorsey – the company came up with the revolutionary Square Reader for the iPhone for swiping credit cards directly on your phone.

Their newest venture, called Square Cash, lets you send money to anyone for free using just an email without any signup or registration. All you have to do is send an email to the person you want to send a cash to and CC cash@square.com while adding the amount as the subject line.

Once you send the mail, you get a reply from Square asking you to link your bank’s debit card, which is a one time process. The recipient then gets the mail and is asked for their banks debit card number, again, a one time process. After that the money is transferred to the account.
Of course, this method works from any device with an email client but being a mobile focussed company Square also has some neat apps for the iPhone and Android. 
    You can do the same through the mobile app with a much slicker interface and it even tracks your           replies for when you get a mail asking you to link your debit card.
    Unfortunately, the service is US only for now. 


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