10 January 2012

How to Install Android 4.0 ICS Official Update on Nexus S

Earlier today, Google announced a great news for Nexus S owners by offering them the most anticipated and the latest Android OS update ‘Ice Cream Sandwich’, literally at the best time of the year. Starting today, Google has begin rolling out the awesome Android 4.0, ICS update to GSM/UMTS Nexus S devices. However, the official ICS update may take a while to hit your Nexus S. Therefore, here is a simple tutorial for all those who can’t wait for the OTA update and are really desperate to taste ICS.

How to Disable the Camera Shutter Sound on Android

The camera shutter click sound integrated by default on Android is the most annoying and loud sound produced when taking a picture. Unfortunately, there is no way to mute the creepy camera sound on an unrooted Android device unless you switch it to silent mode, literally to take some photos. However, if you’ve a Rooted device or are using Cyanogen Mod (CM) custom ROM on your Android phone, then you can completely disable the camera click easily and take shots silently without disturbing your mates.

Nokia Kinetic Device: Flexible phone by Nokia


Lately smart phones have been defined as Android and iOS devices. The rivalry is so fierce between Android and apple that people tend to forget about the leading manufacturer of cell phones in the world. Nokia is famous for its near perfect designs depending on the market needs. Looks have always been the weak point of Nokia devices, but this might be changing as it has become the first company to unveil the flexible phone concept.

Android 4.0: Ice-Cream Sandwich Features


Readers are drooling by the specs, looks & features of the upcoming galaxy nexus prime. The most notable feature of the phone is the latest Android version 4.0 (named as Ice-cream sandwich). Google claims that Android ICS is a complete revolution & is a massive improvement over the previous android versions. Although it consists the best features of honeycomb & gingerbread, it is a complete re-evaluation of the current versions & transformation into a simpler & compact OS for users.

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